Introduction & Dante
2/4: All of these assignments should be completed before class on February 6.
- Make sure you are enrolled in the Blackboard site for this course.
- Enroll in the section for this course. You may need to create an account to do this. The couse ID and password are on the solutions page.
- Read the course introduction handout carefully and thoroughly.
- Write a paragraph in response to the following prompt:
Elizabeth Alexander talks about poetry "resonating" with the reader. Give an example of a poem or song lyric that resonates with you, and explain why you find it meaningful.
Type this paragraph and submit the paper through I will not accept the paper via e-mail, paper copy, Blackboard, or by any means other than This needs to be turned in before 7:00 am on Friday, February 26. If you turn it in after 7:00 am, it will be considered late, and you will need to submit a Request to Submit Late Homework.
- Read Cantos 1-4 of Dante. As you read Dante, make note of the specific punishment for each sin. Keep track of these notes in a document that you bring to every class.
- Read pages 3-7, and pages 29-42 (as they pertain to Heritage II) of the Heritage Guide.
2/6: Complete this assignment before class on February 9. Note: My office hour on Monday, February 9, has been moved from 12:15-1:15 to 2:30-3:30 due to a meeting.
- Read Cantos 5, and 11-13 of Dante. As you read Dante, make note of the specific punishment for each sin. Keep track of these notes in a document that you bring to every class.
- Type, print, and bring to class (you may print this on scratch paper if you wish) a document containing the following three items.
* The most interesting example (in your opinion) of a statement by Dante the pilgrim. Include the quote, and why it is interesting to you.
* The most interesting example (in your opinion) of a statement by Dante the poet/narrator. Include the quote, and why it is interesting to you.
* The most interesting example (in your opinion) of a decision by Dante the architect. Describe the situation as you would to a classmate.
2/9: Due 2/11. Note: My office hour on Monday, February 9, has been moved from 12:15-1:15 to 2:30-3:30 due to a meeting.
- Read Cantos 14-15, 19, and 26-28 of Dante. Continue filling in your map with punishments.
- Revise your paragraph on a piece of poetry (song lyrics are poetry, by the way) in the manner described in class. Be specific in your references to the poetry, and in your responses. Also, remember that "resonates with me" is not the same as "I agree with" or "I found comfort from." There should be at least a little discomfort, and contemplation of one's own situation - perhaps even a change of attitude or action on your part. Submit your revised work through by 7:00 am on Wednesday morning. This is still an informal piece and will be evaluated as such, but it should also be a bit more developed than your previous submission.
2/11: Due 2/13
- Read Cantos 31-34 of Dante.
- Choose two sins described in The Inferno. Type, print, and bring to class a two paragraph paper dealing with this question:
* Which sin does Dante claim is "worse" by putting it in a lower place in hell, and is the punishment for the worse sin really more severe? Use at least two quotes from the text as evidence to support your position. We will be using these in class, and I will be collecting them. You may use Cantos that we did not read as a class.
2/13: Due 2/16
- Re-read Cantos 5, 11, and 31-34 of Dante.
- Review your notes over the entire poem, and fill in some of the gaps that may exist. You may be allowed to use these notes on the final exam - I haven't decided - but now would be the best time to improve them in case I do. Of course, bring your notes to class on Monday.
- Read the poem Did I Miss Anything? by Tom Wayman.
2/16: Due 2/18
- Find the print of Raphael's School of Athens (the lighter side) and La Disputa (the darker side) that I gave you earlier in the course. Bring it to class on Wednesday. For links to other images of the painting, click on the link Raphael below.
- Type, print, and bring to class responses to the following two prompts.
* Find a quiet place and examine the print School of Athens for ten minutes or so. After contemplating the artwork, type a short paragraph detailing three things you noticed or were drawn to in the print. These can be statements like "I kept looking at this", questions like "What is that person doing?", or conjectures like "That person must be Dante".
* Find a quiet place and examine the other side of print, La Disputa, for ten minutes or so. After contemplating the artwork, type a short paragraph detailing three things you noticed or were drawn to in the print. These can be statements like "I kept looking at this", questions like "What is that person doing?", or conjectures like "That person must be Dante".
* Montaigne: "To the Reader" on page 24, "On Idleness" on page 26, and "On the Power of the Imagination" on pages 36-48.
* Type a paragraph or two based on the following prompt. Dante used poetry to bring you into his inferno, while Raphael used a painting to bring you into the School of Athens. Give one specific example where Dante was successful, and one specific example of how Raphael was successful. Submit this paper through
* For each of the three readings (one intro and two essays), answer the following questions. You should type your answers in one document, print that document, and bring it to class on Friday.
- What is the main point of the essay?
- Make note of one of the examples that he uses to make his point.
2/20: Due 2/23.
* Montaigne: "On Cannibals" on pages 105-119, and "On Democritus and Heraclitus" on pages 130-133.
* For each of the two essays, answer the following questions. You should type your answers in one document, print that document, and bring it to class on Monday.
- What is the main point of the essay?
- Make note of one of the examples that he uses to make his point.
2/23: Due 2/25. Note: My office hour on Monday, February 23, has been moved from 12:15-1:15 to 2:30-3:30 due to a meeting.
* Montaigne: "On Books" on pages 159-173, and "On Repentance" on pages 235-250.
* If you could write an "On ______" essay, what would your title be? What would the main point of the essay be? You don't need to write the essay, just propose a title and topic. Type your response, print the document, and bring it to our next class.
2/25: Due 2/27. Note: My office hour on Thursday, February 26, has been moved from 10:30-11:30 to 9:00-10:00 due to a meeting.
* Read "The Tempest" by Shakespeare, Act I
* Start a character map for The Tempest. There is a list of characters at the beginning of the play, so you can use that to help you decide which characters are the main ones. As you meet new characters, put each character's name in a circle or box, and draw lines between the characters to describe relationships or important interactions. In each circle, note the Act, Scene, and line number where the characters first appear, and where they have their first lengthy lines. Bring this map to class on Friday.
* Take another look at your "On _____" essay idea that you turned in today. Are your title and your point essentially the same thing? If so, change one of them! Think about the "On iPods" example I gave in class, where the point was to write about how we are isolating ourselves from one another. Think of two specific examples or stories that you could use to make your point. You could use one of these as your new title! Revise your "On ___" document to include descriptions of your illustrative stories (not the whole stories necessarily), print that document, and bring it to class on Friday.
2/27: Due 3/2.
* Read Shakespeare, Act II
* Continue working on your character map, adding new characters when they appear, and adding new lines when old characters interact with new ones.
* Be prepared (that means practice a little) to read lines 1-160 of Scene 1 out loud.
* Here is your first formal writing assignment. Have some fun with it!
3/2: Due 3/4. Last day to drop a class with grade of "W" is 3/3. My office hour on Monday, March 2, has been moved from 12:15-1:15 to 2:30-3:30 due to a meeting.
* Read Shakespeare, Act III
* Continue working on your character map, adding new characters when they appear, and adding new lines when old characters interact with new ones.
* Type, print (on scratch paper if you wish), and bring to class a response to the following questions: Who is the most willing servant on the island? Who does this being serve, and why?
3/4: Due 3/6.
* Read Shakespeare, Acts IV, V, and Epilogue.
* Type, print, and bring to class a response to the following questions: Does Prospero leave Caliban on the island? Is Caliban better of than when Prospero arrived?
3/6: Due 3/9.
* Review your notes over the entire play.
* If you want to have less (or even no) reading assignment over break, read the assignment due on 3/11 now!
* Scan pages 123-137 of "A Writer's Reference" by Hacker.
* Read pages 140-143 in Hacker on active and passive verbs. The chart on pages 226-228 (yes, it's in the ESL section) can be helpful too.
3/9: Due 3/11. Note: My office hour on Monday, March 9, has been moved from 12:15-1:15 to 2:30-3:30 due to a meeting.
* Read Bacon,The Great Instauration , pages 1-17.
* If you want to have less (or even no) reading over break, read the assignment due on 3/13.
* What does Bacon mean in his prayer? Give one example of what he hopes to do or not to do with this work in a typed, printed (perhaps on scratch paper) document. Quote the specific phrase from his work, then paraphrase it in your own words.
3/11: Due 3/13. First Final Draft of Formal Writing Assignment #1 due before 8:00 am today through!
* Read Bacon,The Great Instauration , pages 19-32.
* If you want to have less (or even no) reading over break, read the assignment due on 3/23. (Take good notes!)
* Bacon claims that his method of inquiry differs from the current method in three ways. What are they? You can write this document by hand rather than type it, but bring it to class. If you will be missing class on Friday, type your response and send it to me via e-mail to my gmail account.
3/13: Due 3/23. Expect a quiz today.
* Read Bacon, New Atlantis, pages 36-52.
* In your own words, type a three or four sentence description of the ship's encounter with the inhabitants of the island before actually setting foot on the island. What parts of the exchange are most important in your opinion? Use quotes to support your insights. Print this document and bring it to class on Monday after break.
* Read pages 259-273 in Hacker. The essays I've read so far (while pretty good overall!) have many extra commas and many missing commas.
* Read pages 138-139 in Hacker. I've found *many* inflated phrases. It's easy to lose interested if sentences are full of empty phrases.
* Read the handout available at this link. (It's only 2 pages, but it is a large file. Have patience.)
* Some reflections and suggestions based on your first essay.
* The second final draft of your first formal writing assignmet is due before 8:00 am on Monday, March 30. Please e-mail your revised work to me at my gmail account,
3/23: Due 3/27. Expect a quiz today.
* Read Bacon, New Atlantis, pages 52-68.
* Type, print, and bring to class a document describing how the inhabitants of Bensalem learn about what is happening in other places.
* Paper conferences. The schedule is posted here.
3/27: Due 3/30. Second final draft of first formal writing assignment due Monday before 8:00 am via my gmail account.
* Read Bacon, New Atlantis, pages 68-83.
* Some scholars believe that New Atlantis is not Bacon's title for the work, but in fact was invented by his secretary, William Rawley. What title would you give the fable? Come to class ready to present your title and explain why it is appropriate.
* We will be taking a brief survey in class on Monday. Please let me know in advance if you will be absent from class.
3/30: Due 4/3. Second final draft of first formal writing assignment due today before 8:00 am via my gmail account.
* We will be taking a brief survey today. Please let me know in advance if you will be absent from class.
* Read pages 31-47 in Rousseau, the First Part of the Discourse on the Arts and Sciences.
* Rousseau wrote this essay in response to the question, "Do the Sciences and Arts contribute to the corrupting or the the improving of morals?" What position did Rousseau take? Cite two specific quotes that support your position. Type your response, print it, and bring that document to class.
4/1: Class cancelled for Carthage assessment activities.
4/3: Due 4/6.
* Read pages 47-64 in Rousseau, the Second Part of the Discourse on the Arts and Sciences.
* With whom do you agree more regarding the impact of science on society: Francis Bacon in the New Atlantis, or Rousseau in The First Discourse? Type your response, and justify your position with quotes and a brief but sound argument. Print the document, and bring it to class.
4/6: My office hour on Monday, April 6, has been moved from 12:15-1:15 to 2:30-3:30 due to a meeting. Due 4/8.
* Read the Declaration of Independence by Jefferson distributed in class today and available at this link.
* In a typed document, list at least five reasons presented in the document for the declaration of independence from Great Britain, giving specific quotes for each, then explaining the reason in your own words.
4/8: Due 4/15.
* Read the versions of the Declaration of Independence by Jefferson distributed in class today and available at this link.
* In a typed document, describe the two most interesting differences between Jefferson's original draft and the final draft of the Declaration of Independence. In addition, describe how the middle draft treats those differences.
* The third and final version (second re-write) of your first formal writing assignment is due on Wednesday, April 22, before 8:00 am via This should be a significant revision of your earlier versions! Re-focus the entire essay on your point, rather than just put in a sentence or two in response to my comments. I have a few general comments for everyone.
- Examine every sentence in your paper looking for meaningless introductory phrases such as "For example", "In that case", "Now", "So", "Sure". These seldom add to the strength and effectivenss of your writing.
- Put page number reference on all of your quotes. When quoting Dante, feel free to use Canto/Line references rather than page numbers. See page 38 of Montaigne, second footnote, for format.
- You may incorporate quotes from any work we've read in class into your paper, not just Montaigne and Dante. You're re-writing the paper and you have more to work with now.
- Additional paper conferences are not required, but I am available during office hours or by appointment, and would welcome the opportunity to help you improve your paper.
4/10: Easter Break
4/13: Easter Break
* Your second formal writing assignment is here. The final draft is due before 8:00 am on May 4.
4/15: Due 4/17.
* Before you read, look up the following terms in a dictionary: proletariat, bourgeoisie, dialectic, solialism, communism.
Read Parts 1 and 2 (pages 1-21) from the Communist Manifesto, given as a handout in class or available at this link.
* In a typed document, respond to the following questions: a) How does the economy affect society according to Marx and Engel? b) How is the proletariat different from past revolutionary classes? Bring a printed copy of this document to class.
4/17: Due 4/20
* Read Parts 3 and 4 (pages 22-32) from the Communist Manifesto, given as a handout in class or available at this link.
* What do Marx and Engels say about the part of the bourgeoisie that want to make things better for workers? You don't need to write or type anything this time (but you should still be taking notes on the texts!), just come ready to discuss this question. Also be prepared to consider the Manifesto in relation to Bacon, Rousseau, and Jefferson.
4/20: Due 4/22
* Read Darwin, pages 1-12, given as a class handout or available at this link.
* Type responses to the following questions, and bring a copy of the document to class.
- What is natural selection? Describe an example Darwin uses to illustrate the concept.
- What is sexual selection? Describe an example Darwin uses to illustrate the concept.
4/22: Due 4/27
* Read Darwin, pages 12-29.
* Explain the diagram on page 24.
* In addition, find an example of an introduced species similar to the ones we examined in class. Where was the species introduced, and what happened to the native species? Type a half-page summary of the situation and bring the document to class.
4/24: No class due to MAA conference.
4/27: Due 4/29. My office hour on Monday, April 27, has been moved from 12:15-1:15 to 2:30-3:30 due to a meeting.
* Read Darwin, pages 29-35.
* Type a half-page summary of one organism (plant or animal) whose traits we humans have "selected" or altered as Darwin described. Include a description of the trait, how we influenced that trait, and why we influenced that trait. Print this summary and bring it to class.
4/29: Due 5/1
* Read Shelley's Frankenstein, pages 1-28.
* Start a character map for Frankenstein. As you meet new characters, put each character's name in a circle or box, and draw lines between the characters to describe relationships or important interactions. In each circle, note the Volume and Letter/Chapter where the characters first appear. Bring this map to class every day we're studying Frankstein.
* If you were not in class today, watch the video, all five parts.
* Everyone (whether you were in class or not), answer these questions about the video. Your answers will be due at the beginning of class. No need to type them, but write them on a sheet of paper you can turn in, not onm your character map! (a) Describe the conditions on the HMS beagle. (b) What animal did Darwin ride on the Galapagos Islands? (c) Was Darwin a loving father? In what ways? (d) To which daughter was Darwin closest? What happened to her? (e) When did Darwin's poor health improve dramatically?
5/1: Due 5/4
* Read Shelley's Frankenstein, pages 29-51.
* Update your character map, and bring your character map to class.
- You can write answers to these questions on paper, but be prepared to turn them in -
* When do we learn the "guest's" name?
* Describe the scene when Frankenstein's creature awakens.
* Describe the contents of the two letters Victor reads in this part of the book.
5/4: Due 5/6. Your second formal writing assignment is due today! Also, my office hour on Monday,May 4, has been moved from 12:15-1:15 to 2:30-3:30 due to a meeting.
* Read Shelley's Frankenstein, pages 52-77.
* Update your character map, and bring your character map to class.
* Describe the places where the monster lives. You can write these by hand, but bring them to class to turn in.
5/6: Due 5/8
* Read Shelley's Frankenstein, pages 77-101.
* Update your character map, and bring your character map to class.
* Bring three quotes from the text that you believe would lead to a good discussion. Be ready to lead a discussion on these passages.
* The next final draft of your second writing assignment is due before 8:00 am on Monday, May 18. Early submissions are welcome! Paper conferences are not required, but are welcome! Some general comments:
- Remove these words/phrases from your paper: For example, basically, can be ____, First, Lastly, In conclusion, really, I believe, In my opinion, In my eyes, Another thing, in other words, ...
- References to the past need to be made carefully or referenced. You're probably not an expert on the sexual behavior of past civilizations. Don't make statements that imply expertise.
- Be a bit careful with statements like "science causes people to move away from religion so science is bad." This could also be viewed as a failure of religion!
- A word-for-word statement of a dictionary definition is still a quote and must be referenced.
- Please e-mail your revised work to me at my gmail account,
5/8: Due 5/11
* Read Shelley's Frankenstein, pages 103-128.
* Update your character map, and bring your character map to class.
5/11: Due 5/13 Also, my office hour on Monday, May 11, has been moved from 12:15-1:15 to 2:30-3:30 due to a meeting.
* Read Shelley's Frankenstein, pages 128-156.
* Update your character map, and bring your character map to class.
* Be prepared to discuss the entire book.
* For Friday's class, bring in two quotes from two different texts we read this semester. Be ready to read them to the class and lead a discussion on the quotes. Choose those you found most provocative, interesting, or just worth discussing.
* Study for the final exam.
Our final class is on Tuesday, May 19, at 8:00 am. Expect a final exam over the entire course.