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Our Textbook


Handouts For Class (Organized by the day on which we will discuss the material in class)

January 30: Third Exam

January 29: Handout

January 28: Handout I - Handout II

January 27: Section 6.3 in the text - Handout (I'll make copies for those in class)

January 24: Handout I - Handout II

January 23: Reading Handout

January 22: Handout I - Handout II

January 21: Handout

January 20: Handout I - Handout II

January 17: Handout I - Handout II

January 16: Handout I

January 15: Handout I - Handout II

January 14: Handout I - Handout II

January 13: No handout - class cancelled

January 10: Handout I - Handout II

January 9: Handout I - Handout II

January 8: Handout I


In-Class Explorations

January 22 - Hats and Gloves

January 14 - Finding Perfect Squares

Solutions to Selected Homework Problems

All of Chapter 7

All of Chapter 6Section 2.5

Section 6.1

Section 3.4: All Problems

Section 3.3: Problems 1, 2, 4, 6 - The spreadsheet

Section 3.2: Problems 1adfj, 1ch, 6 and 7, 8, 9, and 10, problem k

Section 3.1: Due 1/22

Section 2.4: Section 2.4 problems 1-5, 6-13

Section 2.3: Problems 1-2, Problems 3a-e, Problems 3f-m

Section 2.2: Problems 1-2, Problems 3a-d, Problems 3e-i

Section 1.8: Due 1/21 - Venn Diagrams

Section 1.9: Many more problems than I assigned!

Section 2.1: All 19 rules - problem 2

Section 1.7: I'll post all of 1.7 on Monday.

Section 1.6: Due 1/20 and before

Section 1.5: Due 1/16

Section 1.11: Due 1/15

Section 1.3: Due 1/20 and before

Section 5.1: All problems

Section 1.2: Problems 5-6 - Due 1/16 and before

Section 1.1: Due 1/9 - Due 1/10

Train Tracks Question, Due 1/9

Quiz and Exam Answer Keys

Exam 2, January 23

Exam 1, January 16

Mathematica Code

January 17 In-Class

Excel Files


Graph Diagrammer