Complex Solutions Page Class Live Stream Recordings and Zoom Office Hour Links
Section 3.6 - 4a without using polar representation
Section 5.5 - no solutions to post, but I'll post the c-values the others have found interesting. Try 0.157+0.2923i, 0.757+.0023i, 0.857-0.1023i, -0.387-0.51023i, -0.15+0.9991i, 0.3315+0.5451i, 0.0001-.75i, -2/3 + i/3, -(5/7) + 1/7 i, -10/13 +i/13, -10/13 + 2i/13, -1/3 + 2i/3, -5/7 + 2iI/7, -0.6121 + 0.438i, 0.4028 + .25i, 0.206 + 0.5515i,-0.8 + 0.156i, -0.75 + 0.11i, -0.1 + 0.8i, -0.1+i.
For non-quadratic functions try
JuliaSetPlot[-I*1.01 z^5 + 0.75, z],
JuliaSetPlot[(1 + 3 z^4)/(4 z^3) + 0.31, z],
JuliaSetPlot[.39 z^3 - .74, z],
JuliaSetPlot[1 - 0.75 z^2 + I*z^5/(2 + 4 z), z],
JuliaSetPlot[z^3 + 0.1/z, z ], z^3-(0.1-i), z^10 - (0.1-i).
Exam 2 - written - Mathematica
Section 5.4 (the Mathematica version - you'll need to load the cobwebs file first)
Section 5.1 (the Mathematica version)
Mathematica and Other Computer Files
Julia Sets in Mathematica (see the end of the cobwebs file)
Python Code For Julia Sets (saved as .txt file)