Homework Do's and Don'ts
These are interesting times to say the least! I know that working together on the homework can be very helpful, and I encourage you to do so. The following guidelines are meant to clarify my expectations. This document may change; if that happens, I will let you know.
- You are permitted to work in groups to figure out how to do problems, and I STRONGLY encourage you to do so now. Use any means necessary to contact your study partners.
- For each assignment, I will post a blog entry asking for questions on that assignment. If you have questions, post a comment on the blog entry and I will answer the question in the blog. I will not answer any questions on an assignment on the day it is due.
- While you are encouraged to work together, you should be talking about how to do the problems and learn the material, not just sharing answers.
- When I assign an activity as a quiz, the guidelines change. On a quiz, you may not communicate with any human being in any way, including but not limited to: texting, emailing, phone conversation, video conversation, social media, anti-social media, the internet in any way, note passing, talking, singing, hand signals, smoke signals, semaphore, morse code, norse code (used to contact vikings), via a medium (if communicating with the deceased), or any other means I've omitted. You're on your honor on this.
- Start assignments early so you can ask questions! I promise to do my best to help you, but I'm not on 24/7 customer support mode. My family is home, and we need time together too. I also need to eat, sleep, etc.
Any questions or concerns? Post a comment on the blog if you think the class can help address it, or email me directly with more personal concerns.